Project Specific Open Research Opportunities
We are actively looking for one post-doctoral researcher and one project staff to work on the project “Deep learning methods for defect identification in electron micrographs”. The duration of the project is two years, with an additional one year extension. Interested scholars should email their CV to Dr. Rohit Batra.
General Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities
Below are the two avenues to fund post-doctoral research. Prospective candidates are encouraged to explore these two opportunities, and are welcome to contact Dr. Rohit Batra for proposal writing.
SERB National post-doctoral fellowship, and
IIT Madras institute post-doctoral fellowship (https://www.iitm.ac.in/content/post-doctoral-fellowship-iit-madras)
General Graduate Research Opportunities
Candidates interested in PhD, MS and MTech programs should apply to the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering graduate program at IIT Madras. Following link will provide useful information regarding eligibility, time lines and fellowships.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
We are always looking for curious, motivated and creative undergraduates from all departments of IITM and other institutions for interdisciplinary research opportunities in our group. Interested undergraduate students should contact Dr. Rohit Batra for more information.